BURN ME (2023)

BURN ME is a series of lights made of blow torched stainless steel and a frosted resin base.

This project stems from my personal observation of my environment and its effect on my mental health. Some places make me feel happier than others, and the positive feeling that these places give me disappears quickly when I return to places that do not give me the same feeling. Through analysis, I found out that that feeling of unhappiness mostly stems from the fact that everything seems somehow grey, colourless and unlively. This observation has inspired me to research the effects of chromotherapy and to apply its benefits to my practice.

Furthermore, I want to incorporate the findings of a study conducted by Michael I. Norton, Daniel Mochon and Dan Ariely in 2011, ‘The IKEA effect: When labor leads to love’, where people ‘saw their amateurish creations as similar in value to experts’ creations.’ In that case, a ‘do-it-yourself’ assembling aspect of the product can lead to an increase of the perceived value of the object in the beholder’s eyes.

  • Through some hurdles during the development process, I came across the technique of tempering metal, which discolours the metal naturally without the use of dyes or chemicals. Moreover, this process is quite low-tech and can actually be done from home. All you need is a blow torch. I have found that tempering the metal has had a therapeutic effect on me, and the process, as well as the end result 'cured' me of any negative feelings. It is a relatively 'raw' aesthetic that originates from metallurgy, but in this context, together with the base made of frosted resin, it looks very refined.


To create the electronics of the lamp I used LED strips and applied them inside a 3d-printed structure. The inside of the lampshade is covered with a mirror film, to reflect the light as much as possible. The light fixture is attached to a curved enclosure that is of a slightly smaller diameter than the lampshade.


