Regenerative Design

According to Cambridge Dictionary, the adjective “regenerative” is a biological or medical term which relates to “something growing or being grown again”, or generally speaking “the improvement of a place or system”. Regenerative design refers to a design practice that is only just taking shape. It is not comparable to "green" or "sustainable" design, as regenerative design aims to sustainably rebuild our environment, not just mitigate the damage caused by our consumption patterns. In other words, it is our last chance to save this planet, and it is the current generation of designers who will need to show practical examples of regenerative design.


As science has lead us to understand through numerous articles and case studies in recent

years, microalgae are a building block of the future due to their immense potential

to make many everyday infrastructures more regenerative. In view of the increasing environmental

catastrophes and the resulting threat to our health, we must begin to exploit

this potential and implement microalgae in structures of everyday life. My project aims

to find a place for microalgae in the private home environment which allows spirulina to

coexist with humans by which both stakeholders can mutually benefit from.



